Seymour Finney was a Detroit innkeeper and a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad. He hid runaways in his barn, pictured at left and below–often while housing the slavecatchers in his hotel! The barn stood on the NE corner of State and Griswold Streets. There is a historical marker placed at that site that reads:
“Seymour Finney conducted one of the principal passenger depots of the underground railroad in the Detroit area. Finney, a tailor by trade, later became a hotel-keeper, and it was in this capacity that he assisted fugitive slaves in the era prior to 1861. In 1850 he purchased a site where in later years stood the Finney Hotel, and also erected a large barn which he operated along with his tavern. Strongly sympathetic to the abolitionist cause, Finney employed every means to assist escaping slaves across the river into Canada. Detroit was one of the most important “stations” en route to Canada; if a fugitive reached this city, he was comparatively safe. Finney Barn served as a hiding-place for runaways until they could reach the river bank and freedom.”
Seymour Finney Barn
The Teen Writers Community is a cool idea.
Just what I need, ha ha, another place to burn time online!
Know what you mean!
In honor of the legendary Kermit the Frog – YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! *waves arms like crazy*
Lol, you’re always creative, Erik! 🙂
In honor of the confusing Swedish Chef – Thunk yuoo fery mooch! It’s guud beeeng creeteefe-a! [trans.= Thank you very much! It’s good being creative!] *waves knives around without looking* 😀
Ah, he’s my favorite. T-man and I have been watching Swedish Chef clips on YouTube lately.
Dor-de-dor-de-doooor-de-dor bork! bork! borr!
I like Lew Zealand (with the fish boomarangs) – You just throw the fish, and then it comes back to you. Watch! See? 😉
Aren’t you supposed to be in school right now? Snow day? Thanksgiving break?
Thanksgiving Break. 🙂 Though we had a half day yesterday because of snow. 🙂 On another note, I also like Miss Piggy. She’s one tough pig. Hi-YAH! 😉
Nice! A five (and a half) day holiday! We had school closed yesterday for ice. Today we’re making up some of it now. We don’t ever get Wednesday off in Michigan.
My other favorite muppet is animal. Have you ever seen the YouTube clip where he wants a bunny? Or where he sets his drums on fire? Or his drum solo that lights on fire? We love those!
Make that a 6 & 1/2 day holiday. We have Monday off too. First day of PA Buck Season, I think. We are big on hunting around here. 🙂
I’ll check out the vids! 😀
P.S. Animal is great! 😀
Watched the vids. I love the bunny video. “Do you want a BIG bunny rabbit, Animal?” “No. Small bunny rabbit.” 🙂
Someone needs to give that poor fellow a bunny. 😉
November 15 is the start of gun season around here. It’s a Michigan holidy. Enjoy your long vacation!
I will enjoy my holiday! WOOO!!! In honor of the amazing Snoopy – *happy dance with legs going wild in a blur* 😉
The catalog is very impressive. I will pass it on.
Thank you, Darlene!