Michelle Isenhoff

The Mouse and the Motorcycle Trilogy, by Beverly Cleary, 1965

Greg Pattridge hosts Marvelous Middle Grade Monday (MMGM) on his Always in the Middle website each week. Check it out for more great kidlit!

In honor of Beverly Cleary, who passed this year at the age of 104, I’ve chosen three of her works for this week’s MMGM. As a kid, I dearly loved Ramona, but my all-time favorite Cleary character has to be Ralph S. Mouse. There’s just something about that precocious little fella that gets me every time. Maybe I see a little of myself in him. Maybe I remember being a bit irresponsible and wanting so much to grow up. Maybe I just love the idea of a young mouse who trills with the speed of a tiny red motorcycle trimmed with shiny chrome and dual exhausts. I always have wished animals could talk.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle is a marvelously imaginative story delivered with just the right blend of adventure and fun. Ralph is a medium-sized mouse who lives in the Mountain View Inn. When a young boy named Keith checks into Ralph’s room, they find that mice and boys who share a love of motorcycles naturally speak the same language and become friends. Through a series of humorous, kid-pleasing adventures, Ralph proves to Keith that he’s growing up, and Keith, before departing, kindly leaves his toy motorcycle in Ralph’s possession.

But that’s only the beginning of Ralph’s story. In the second book of the trilogy, Runaway Ralph, Ralph decides he’s sick of scrounging for crumbs, and he’s had it with the scores of young siblings and cousins always begging for rides on his precious motorcycle. So he runs away from home. (This one will tickle every one of us who ever packed a suitcase!) He finally lands at Happy Acres Camp and meets Garf, an unhappy camper. Ralph’s friendship with Garf nets him much more than just the peanut butter and jelly sandwich he’s been craving. After run-ins with cats, dogs, cages and one alfalfa-hating hamster, he learns what’s what’s most important to him.

In Ralph S. Mouse, the final book in Cleary’s trilogy, Ralph takes to haunting the halls of Irwin J. Sneed Elementary School and befriends another young boy named Ryan. It takes a few close encounters with danger and some disagreements before Ralph and Ryan learn a hard lesson–and Ralph ends up with a new vehicle to drive!

While the first book is my favorite, I highly recommend them all three. Different boys, different situations, different adventures, each written by a master craftswoman with a keen understanding of how children think and  a knowledge of what they love. They’re timeless. Even fifty-something years later, I’ve yet to meet the child Ralph didn’t delight.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle Trilogy, by Beverly Cleary, 1965

9 thoughts on “The Mouse and the Motorcycle Trilogy, by Beverly Cleary, 1965

  1. Testing the comments feature. Having trouble figuring out why it’s not working for so many MMGMers!

  2. I’m in! You got it fixed!
    Thanks for the look back at this fun series and for featuring it today on MMGM. Beverly Cleary left her mark on the publishing world and kids will benefit for years to come.

    1. She’ll be missed by those who grew up on her stories.
      Thanks for helping with the comments work-around. Hurray for small victories!

  3. Yay! I can welcome you back to MMGM and finally leave a comment. Glad you got it fixed. Thought it was me. Would a 7.5 year-old boy enjoy this series — it looks like a wonder series. My daughter read some Ramona books and I read a few to her. Cleary had published magnificent body of work in her lifetime. Love to see her honored. But, I didn’t know about the mouse series. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for the welcome back, Pat! Yes, I think a 7yo would love it! I read Mouse and the Motorcycle when I student taught 2nd graders. It was the favorite book of the year.

  4. I read the first of these books when I was young and recall really enjoying it—I didn’t know there were sequels! I haven’t read many of Beverly Cleary’s books, but I do get the sense that she was a truly brilliant author. Thanks so much for this review (and welcome back to MMGM)!

    1. Thanks so much for the welcome! Yes, Cleary was a master of her day. Most of her books have the innocent feel of a simpler time–a bit nostalgic now–but these three are timeless.

  5. I read other Beverly Cleary books, but I never read these. Thanks for the heads up. They sound like a lot of fun. Nice of you to do an homage to the talented Ms. Cleary.

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