It’s been a long time since I reviewed a book! Seven years, in fact. I miss being part of the online community of readers and writers, so I’m going to jump back in for the summer at least. Next fall, we’ll go from there. If you remember me from that far back, I’ll give you […]
A FREE Self Publishing Short Course
As part of my new editing sideline business, I’ve put together a short course that covers the basic steps of self publishing: writing, editing, interior layout, cover design, publishing, marketing. I go into considerable detail for each topic and include insider pro tips as well as to-do lists, so anyone can make their dream of […]
Editing On the Side
Ever since I finished my Taylor Davis series back in late June, I’ve been putting together a sideline business editing manuscripts for fellow authors at affordable rates. This is something I’ve been doing freely (for swap, actually) with my inner circle of authors for ten years. I’ve also “taken a look” at many a new […]
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
I picked up an audio version of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children on a whim last week when I was leaving for a long bike ride. It came out in 2011 and never appealed to me, but the title was one I’d heard of in a sea of unfamiliar books, so I gave it […]
King of Malorn, by Annie Douglass Lima
A couple weeks ago, I promised you three reviews over the next three weeks. Well, uh, I switched web hosts and can’t seem to figure out the new scheduler. Last week’s post is still sitting in my draft folder. Sigh. I’ll try again. In the meantime, I’ll publish this week’s manually. I’ve highlighted Annie Douglass […]
OFFENDER, by Michael Brooks
I want to share with you a book for which I had the privilege of being an advanced reader. It just released in early June and is being offered at a discounted price for a limited time. I believe that’s through the end of June, which is why I didn’t wait a full week to […]