Keeper of the Lost Cities, by Shannon Messenger, 2012

Keeper of the lost citiesKeeper of the Lost Cities has been on my tbr list all summer. I know Shannon slightly through blog interaction, so I’m familiar with her shenanigans and her sparkling personality, and I watched her book travel through the publication process. I also adore the cover art, so of course I was curious to read it. Unfortunately, the stars didn’t align until the end of summer—almost a year after its release—but I’m sort of famous for having books on my lengthy tbr list for over a decade. I’m glad I didn’t put it off longer.
Sophie Foster doesn’t fit in. With a photographic memory and keen intelligence, she’s advanced years ahead of other 12-years-old without even trying, but she’s a social misfit. And she can hear people’s thoughts.
That’s because Sophie learns she isn’t human—she’s an elf!
But she soon learns she’s not a normal elf, either. There’s much she needs to learn about elven society, laws, customs, and school curricula, but it quickly becomes apparent that her telepathic powers far exceed anyone else’s, even her mentor. And then she begins remembering things she knows she never learned or experienced.
Answers about her abilities, implanted memories, and human upbringing lead to a rebel elven society that wants her back, or want her dead.
Squeaky AwardThis was a fun read. I liked Sophie right away, so it was easy to become involved in her story. And the details of this fantasy world—the school and its subjects, faculty, and students; the magical creatures and abilities; the social structure; the settings; and even the toys—were reminiscent of Hogwarts in their imagination but had enough uniqueness to not feel like a copycat. They’re real kid-pleasers. I’d say 10+ on this one, mostly owing to the considerable length, but it’s also appropriate for younger listeners.
This was one of those effortless reads, light and enjoyable. I didn’t have to overcome poor editing or sloppy writing. It was just plain good, and Shannon kept it perfectly clean. You know what that combination means…a Squeaky Award! And two thumbs way up.

Keeper of the Lost Cities, by Shannon Messenger, 2012

5 thoughts on “Keeper of the Lost Cities, by Shannon Messenger, 2012

  1. I can’t believe you just read Shannon’s books, or I would have nudged you. I read them months ago and can’t wait for the third book to come out. The second book is just as good as the first. They are really action -packed and I love the dystopian world she created. I love her comment in one of the books about her mom not kowing she could go to such dark places. Shannon has so much talent!

    1. Actually, I read this one over the summer. It’s just now posting. My daughter read Let the Sky Fall but I’ve been too busy writing. This summer I plan to read several more of Shannon’s. She is very good. But first, I want to have my draft of Song 2 done by the Olympics so I can just do light editing and set my butt in front of the TV for most of Feb. Then I would *like* to have Song 3 finished by the end of school. THEN my writing break and summer reading. 🙂 Then Taylor 3 in the fall.
      Whew! I’m already tired!

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